Welcome to TVET Australia
Top News Stories
- Mar 22 - Lively Debate on 'International Education: Boom to Bust and Back again'
- Mar 22 - Communiqué for the MCTEE Meeting - 18 March 2011
- Mar 16 - A year of innovative e-learning
Quality, Equity & Innovation
This section showcases examples of Quality, Equity & Innovation in VET.
Read about the latest example >>>
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Latest TVET Newsletter
From the Desk of the CEO
TVET Australia has been delighted to welcome and to work closely with the Australian campervan hire company, Campervan Finder led by Peter Biviano and John Lyras as it prepares to accept 25 new jobs fixing recreational vehicles.
Important Announcement
Letter to VET stakeholders from the TVET Chairman, outlining the decision by MCTEE to wind up the ministerial company model for TVET Australia and to transition to alternative arrangements.
TVET Australia is committed to:
- facilitating reform for vocational education and the creation of an integrated tertiary education sector by 2013.
- fostering quality, equity and innovation.
- engaging participants – industry, providers, governments, regulators, research bodies, and students in all their diversity.
A company owned by all Australian governments, TVET:
- assists the implementation of the Ministerial Council for Tertiary Education and Employment’s (MCTEE) reform agenda.
- connects vocational education participants through the Councils it serves.
- provides a neutral forum for discussion and balanced advice to ensure informed decisions are made for continuous improvement of vocational education.
Specifically, TVET supports the National Quality Council (standards), the National VET Equity Advisory Council (equity), and the Flexible Learning Advisory Group (innovation).
TVET’s other core business includes the management of the National Audit and Registration Agency (NARA), Training Products Australia (TPA), AEShareNet, and the Learning Objects Repository Network (LORN).
Learn more about these activities as well current and future reforms shaping VET by using the links above.
Print this page | last updated: 04 Apr 2011 4:15pm