Rod Camm
Associate Director General
Skills Queensland
Rod is responsible for the Skills Queensland & Tertiary & Non-State Education Divisions within the Department of Education & Training.
Skills Queensland will drive reforms of the vocational education & training sector through innovative purchasing strategies aimed at ensuring industry ownership of the skills agenda & flexibility & responsiveness from training providers.
The Tertiary & Non-State Education Division plays an important role in ensuring value for money & quality from Queensland's significant investment in Education & Training.
Rod Camm was previously the Chief Executive Officer, Construction Skills Queensland which is the centre of excellence for the building & construction industry in Queensland.
Construction Skills Queensland was launched on 31 July 2007. As CEO, Rod was responsible for leading skills solutions in partnership with government & industry, & for developing & driving strategies on workforce development.
Rod has also performed a range of other executive roles in Government.
At Parliament House, Canberra, on 19 & 20 April 2008, the Prime Minister led the Prime Minister’s Australia 2020 Summit. The summit was designed to bring together 1000 people to consider the key reforms required for Australia. Rod attended as one of the Queensland participants under the category ‘The Productivity Agenda (education, skills, training, science and innovation)’.
Rod has performed the role of director on a range of boards, & is currently on the board of TVET Limited, NCVER & the Queensland Overseas Foundation.
Rod is also a member of the Premier’s Employment Taskforce. The Taskforce was launched in January 2009 to provide information on the economy, expert advice on how to protect jobs, & to inform government policy in the economic downturn. Membership of the Taskforce includes a range of experts from industry, business, representative bodies & the not-for-profit sector.
In 2004, Rod was awarded the Premier’s Scholarship for the Executive Masters of Public Administration from the Australian & New Zealand School of Government.
Skills Queensland will drive reforms of the vocational education & training sector through innovative purchasing strategies aimed at ensuring industry ownership of the skills agenda & flexibility & responsiveness from training providers.
The Tertiary & Non-State Education Division plays an important role in ensuring value for money & quality from Queensland's significant investment in Education & Training.
Rod Camm was previously the Chief Executive Officer, Construction Skills Queensland which is the centre of excellence for the building & construction industry in Queensland.
Construction Skills Queensland was launched on 31 July 2007. As CEO, Rod was responsible for leading skills solutions in partnership with government & industry, & for developing & driving strategies on workforce development.
Rod has also performed a range of other executive roles in Government.
At Parliament House, Canberra, on 19 & 20 April 2008, the Prime Minister led the Prime Minister’s Australia 2020 Summit. The summit was designed to bring together 1000 people to consider the key reforms required for Australia. Rod attended as one of the Queensland participants under the category ‘The Productivity Agenda (education, skills, training, science and innovation)’.
Rod has performed the role of director on a range of boards, & is currently on the board of TVET Limited, NCVER & the Queensland Overseas Foundation.
Rod is also a member of the Premier’s Employment Taskforce. The Taskforce was launched in January 2009 to provide information on the economy, expert advice on how to protect jobs, & to inform government policy in the economic downturn. Membership of the Taskforce includes a range of experts from industry, business, representative bodies & the not-for-profit sector.
In 2004, Rod was awarded the Premier’s Scholarship for the Executive Masters of Public Administration from the Australian & New Zealand School of Government.
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